
The Anne Books And Movies

Have you ever read the 'Anne of Green Gable series'?  It is the story of Anne Shirley, a young orphan girl who goes from being unloved to having all the love in the world when she is adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthburt.  Lucy Maud Montgomery writes this famous story that takes place on Prince Edward Island in the 1800's. Every book is great, but my two favorites are 'Anne of The Island' and 'Anne's House of Dreams'.  Prepare to fall in love with this classic story.

The 'Anne of Green Gables' series has been made into wonderful movies.  Megan Follows portrays the part of Anne and Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe.  The first movie (Anne of Green Gables) is very similar to the first book (Anne of Green Gables), but the rest of the movies are not as similar to the rest of the books. I was disappointed that the later movies didn't follow the story-line that much, but they are still great movies that you should watch.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and will (if you already haven't) read and watch this wonderful story.

Here are some pictures that I love from the movies.



  1. LOVE Anne! I think it's time to get out the movies again. :)

  2. Ahh I love Anne of Green Gables! My favorite book ever. It was the first series that I ever read from first book to the end.

  3. I absolutely adore Anne of Green Gables! Such a great story!

  4. I read Anne of Green Gables when I was younger, but I still haven't watched the movie. I'm putting that on my list of movies to watch! I loved the book, so I'm sure I'll love the movie too.

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  5. I LOVE the Anne of Green Gables movies!!!!!!! They are great!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! God Bless!!!

    :) Sarah

  6. I LOVE these books. I grew up with them. I was thrilled about the movies! Makes me want to go watch them again.

  7. I so so want to read or watch this series, I can't believe I haven't! I am such a period piece junkie! Cute post!

  8. Come see my giveaways wgich end this month! The card in my giveaway and bag make me think of Anne

  9. Those are spectacular adaptations of books...some of the best movie versions of books, in my opinion. But honestly, my favourite book in the series was always "Rilla of Ingelside"--the one actually about Anne's daughter! I always related to her more, I think.

    <3 Cambria

  10. I've read Anne of Green Gables (first book only) when I was in high school and it was a fantastic read. I love the 1st two movies - and I still watch them from time to time because they're just really well put together. Thanks so much for sharing the love... :)

  11. I've never read or seen the movie but you make it sound pretty good

  12. I'm kind of a L.M. Montgomery fanatic. =) AND she wrote more than Anne of Green Gables. . . Emily of New Moon, Pat of Silver Bush, Jane of Lantern Hill. . . They're all pretty amazing ^_^


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