
Cuteness Overload

Last Sunday I was filling the water trough for the cows and came across Orchid and her kittens.  I was so excited because I hadn't been able to find them for awhile.  After milking I grabbed my camera and went to go visit them. :)  Once Whiskers, Mini, Daffy, and Molly saw me, they scattered into a little pip.  I was quite offended because it hadn't been that long since I saw them last...  So, I just sat down, petted Orchid and waited for them to come out, and they eventually did!   Everything that the kittens did was so stinkin' adorable!   So now I'll just stop talking and let you see some cuteness... :)

poor molly looked terrified! 

little Whiskers...

Orchid and Daffodil (i call her Daffy)

Whiskers was scared of me for awhile, well, basically the whole time I was there...

Mini being the daredevil that she is.

"bye, bye!"


What I wore - Summer outfit

 I don't know about where you live, but here in Ohio it is in the 90's... I don't like this kind of weather, it's to hot!  So last Sunday I wanted to pick, of course, a light and summery outfit, and this is what I came up with. :)  

tank top- Justice,     shirt- hand-me-down,     skirt- Goodwill,     sandals- Payless,     earrings- they were my grandmas,     headband- Goodwill

Pictures taken by Lydia and some from me


Party Time!

Last night we went to a party at our friends house.  It was so fun!  We talked to old friends that we hadn't seen in awhile and did a little bit of dancing too...  Here are some pictures from the night. :)

Lydia... oh and do you that girl in the white shirt in the background.  Thats me...  haha!

Jordan looking very happy! 

Noah being the perfect model

Noah and Jordan (Noah's fiance)...

Isaac and his friend.  I don't think Isaac was quite ready for his picture to be taken...


A walk through the flower bed

Some pictures of my recent trip through the flower bed!  What do you think?

This picture is our screensaver... it's one of my favorites. :)


Pictures from my new camera!

Hello, dear readers.  Guess what, I got a camera!!!  I have been looking at camera's for a while and just today went and got one. :)  I ended up getting the Canon Rebel T3.  I was first going to get the Nikon D3100, but after playing with them both I really liked the Canon better.   I love it, it is easy to use and takes great pictures.  I spent basically the whole day playing with it... :)  Of course!

P.S.  I named him Wallace. :)

the very first picture that I took with my new beauty!

My sister Lydia


Bailing Season

Last Saturday my dad and brothers bailed hay.  It was the perfect day to do it, but it was really hot...      

Oh, I wanted to tell you, on Friday night we had a little party celebrating my sister and nephew's birthdays.  So if you want to see some pictures of that,  just go to my sister's blog here.

 To give you a visual of the bailing here are some pictures. :)

This bug really liked me... it would not go away!!!

My brothers.  On the left is Noah and on the right is Isaac.