
Kite pictures and Trampoline Jumping! 2 posts in 1

Yellow (hello)!  What have you done this week?... Me?  Well, let me tell you...

Last Monday, Isaac came down the stairs with his oh-so-fancy kite and went out the door.  I couldn't resist, so I grabbed my camera and ran after him... It was really fun taking pictures of the kite flying.  I tried to take a video of it, but kept losing the kite on the screen... so... I deleted it.

 One time the kite about hit me!   I was looking through my camera lens and noticed that I didn't see the kite anywhere in the sky (the sun was so bright it was hard to see sometimes), then all of the sudden, I heard something go right over my head.  After it happened, Isaac said that it looked like it was about a foot from my head...  It would have been pretty funny if it actually did hit me on the head though.  Well, maybe not, it probably would have hurt...
Anyway, let me show you some pictures!

On Tuesday I thought it would be cool to take pictures of Lydia jumping on the trampoline, so after a little convincing, she came out.  As a reward for her modeling, I let her take pictures of me!  She was pretty excited about it...   After we were done I went through the pictures and deleted 120 of them!  We took a lot, considering we were only out there for 20 minutes. Then on Wednesday I took some more of her on the trampoline...   What can I say?  I like taking pictures!  

I didn't think I was making that stupid of a face at the time...

Pictures from Wednesday.

she looks like she is on a roller coaster!...

Have a good weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that second picture:)

  3. OH, JOANNA! Those kite pictures are A-MAZ-ING!!! Quite stunning... gorgeous! What more can I say?
    Those pictures of you and Lydia are so funny!
    You have a great weekend too.


  4. BTW, I pinned the first picture on Pinterest.


  5. hahah great photos! I love the kite ones!

  6. Ooh, I love the pics of the kite! And the ones on the trampoline are such fun. ^^


  7. Cute pictures, Jo.

    Same to you: Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Wowie girl, these are beautiful! The first photo with the vivid sunflare is my absolute favorite. Kites are the best, no? :)

  9. the trampoline photos made my day! and the kite photo is gorgeous! :)

    andrea brionne @thedailyeverythings.blogspot.com


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