

Right now, I look outside and see the grey sky where the occasional trickling raindrops are falling from.  I see trees that used to be filled with thick vibrant leaves that are now bare.  I see the ground that is covered with bushy green grass and leaves that are dried up and crunchy.  The shivering cool air is still... everything looks still outside.

The weather people say that it's going to snow/rain/be windy on Tuesday.  There is little change of it actually happening, but I hope and cross my fingers that it will snow.  Snow... :)   I got my free Shutterfly book, that I was given through buying my camera, today.  I like to look at it very often.  I was disappointed though, when we got our Forever 21 package (full of goodies) today, and the coat that I ordered wasn't in it.  My mom called, and the lady said that it was out of stock and that I won't be able to get it.  That was sad, because it was a super awesome coat.

My mom is making bouquets and such for a wedding this weekend (she has a florist business), so I was in charge of making supper tonight.  I made biscuits with sausage gravy.  Have you ever tried it?  If you haven't, you need to.  Well, it was simply amazing.

I had French and writing class today.  In French we made crepes, so yummy!  I had two... don't judge, I didn't have breakfast!  Then in writing we, duh, wrote.  We all (except one) wrote on our favorite season.  Fall was the top pick, no surprise since it's the awesomeist most awesome season ever!

Thanks to my 91 followers!  You are awesome!

I think I'm going to suck on this here sucker and watch a movie. :)  Now... what should I watch?


  1. Oh, Joanna. That's way too bad about your coat! :(
    Did you know, at our house last night, there was snow mixed in the rain! Whoopeee!

    The Middle Sister and Singer

  2. I love writing about descriptive things like seasons, etc. It's just my type of writing...
    Is the first paragraph what you wrote in class? Its lovely! I adore the way you placed the words in each sentence... Completely your style! :)


  3. Congratulations! We awarded you a Beautiful Blogger Award over at our blog, you can view the post here: http://boyerfamilysingers.blogspot.com/2012/11/beautiful-blogger-award.html



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