
Wintery // What I Wore

 sweater- hand-me-down but originally from American Eagle,   cami- Kohl's,  jeans- Goodwill,  boots- hand-me-down,  earrings- were my grandma's.

What do you think of my super cool snowman earrings?

Yellow! (my version of "hello")  I know it has been so long since I've done an outfit post, but every time I would dress up I would also be running super late... so I didn't have time.  Most of you know that I went to visit my sister a couple of weeks ago, well, she loaded me up with some  new clothes!  My sweater and boots are both from her. 

 People, it is co-o-o-ld outside.  Practically all of my family and I went to my brother's football game last night.  I thought I was prepared for the stinging cold weather, but I wasn't... Even with leggings under my jeans, three shirts, a super cozy coat, a hat borrowed from my brother (Isaac), and gloves... I was still cold! So anyway, Isaac's football team is in the final four in state!  There is a very good chance that they could win state, which would just be kinda cool... just kinda.   My oldest sister came home in time for the game last night and will be home for the next week.  

Tomorrow marks the beginning of many Thanksgiving feasts.  Yes to my mom's famous sweet potato casserole, turkey, and lots of rolls... Mmmm!  I hope you all have a simply lovely and yummy Thanksgiving!   


  1. awww it's a mini-me! also, i'm feeling very sorry for myself that i'm not home right now, too. : (

  2. Your snowman earrings are the adorablest! I LOVE everything to do with snowmans in the winter. They are just the cutest thing ever!! And also, I LOOVE your thick chunky sweater! It looks really warm. And your boots are cute, too.

    Also, have I ever told you that I'm jealous you get to live on a farm? If I could, I would in a heartbeat!!! :D


  3. Oooh! I love your outfit. Super cute. And your sweater looks really cozy. :) also, you are really beautiful. :)

    Yay for Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful one.



  4. this is outfit is totally adorable. love, love the sweater. it looks perfect on you!:) you're so cute and totally gorgeous! happy early thanksgiving:)

  5. This outfit is so cute! I'm totally jealous of that cozy sweater. Happy early Thanksgiving to you!

    <3 Emma-lee

  6. The third picture is so beautiful- the sun ray and your expression- lovely!

  7. Adorable Winter outfit! I've been trying to wear my boots every chilly day we get, but here, chilly is 70!

  8. Love it, Jo! Absolutely cute, and your earrings are adorable!
    A very wintery outfit. :)


    P.S- Congrats on you 100 followers!!! o.0 Too cool! :D

  9. Hey Jo! Thanks for following my blog! I live in Ohio, too. =)

  10. Totally love the sweater! I adore cozy sweaters, but not the weather that goes with so much.

  11. Cute outfit...the sweater is adorable! One thing I love about winter is snuggling up in cozy sweaters....
    You have a really neat blog here, and I've enjoyed looking around! By the way, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog...I always love hearing from fellow bloggers :)

    In Christ,

  12. You look darling! I love your sweater and your grandma's earrings! Hope you have the best Thanksgiving tomorrow! Isn't sweet potato casserole the best?!

  13. hey there! :)
    just found your lovely blog, and I really, really like it! :) and love your outfit, by the way... my favorite colors. ;) you are so gorgeous! seriously.

    mikailah @ finding beauty
    www.maid4him.blogspot.com--stop by sometime!

  14. This is really lovely!!! You are beautiful, Miss Jo!

    >>----> joyfully tending her garden @ gracesgardenwalk.blogspot.com


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