
Christmas recap

Hello!  I hope you had an awesome and cheery Christmas.  Mine was wonderful and jam packed with food, family, and of course, movies...  Let us look back at what my Christmas was like, shall we?

My oldest sister, Rebekah, came home last Friday night in time to go to Isaac's first basketball game.  Then Mary and her family got here on Christmas Eve.  When Mary and her family got here we each opened an Eve gift that we always get.  It is articles of clothing that we get to wear to my Grandma's that night.  Unfortunately, my grandma got the stomach flu and had to cancel.  After we heard the news our hearts dropped a little.  My grandma's Christmas is always so fun and marks the beginning of the many Christmas gatherings, so to not have it was sad, but we were able to reschedule to last night.  That night we ended up eating Dominoe's pizza (the best by the way), drinking hard stuff (pop), and watching White Christmas.

After having a restless night's sleep I woke up at eight o'clock feeling overly giddy.  I went down stairs to see our table filled with festive decorations and a fresh bouquet of white hydrangea.  My mom had woken up at five o'clock that morning just to make us a feast of a breakfast.  After a most delicious breakfast we started opening our presents, one at a time.  We were all a little tight in our small living room, but managed to fit.  After two and half hours all of the gifts were revealed from the packaging.   The rest of the day was spent relaxing, and for me, watching I Love Lucy which I got for Christmas.

We didn't get a white Christmas, but we did get a day after Christmas white Christmas!  It made me so happy to see big snow flakes falling thickly to cover the ground.  Right when there was enough snow to amount to anything, Isaac went outside and made a snow man (I have a picture of it below).  Even to today, three days later, there is still snow on the ground and the snowman in tact except or an eye falling out... It makes me happy, not that the snowman lost his eye, but that there is still snow on the ground.

This week has been so fun, especially with having all of my family together.  It is going to be sad to see most of them leave and have to get back to school.  On the bright side, I am going on a DC trip in February.  I'm looking forward to it!  Have you ever been?  I think it should be really fun.  Our local Christian school opened up this trip to homeschoolers.  My brother, Noah, teaches at the Christian school, so he and his wife are going to be able to go also!  Other than the trip, I don't have much planed for the new year, but I do hope to take more pictures. :)

P.S. I just woke up to a truly winter wonderland outside.  We got at least three more inches of snow last night.  The trees are weighed down by snow.  Everything is white!


  1. LoL Love the snowman! Merry Christmas :)

  2. Its a winter wonderland here too!!!!!!!!!!! It seriously looks like something straight off a movie set - no joke! :) Everything is covered in a blanket of white. Its gorgeous!


  3. It's looks like you had a great Christmas. Beautiful pictures! We got some snow where I am too. Finally. :)

  4. Isn't the snow simply WONDERFUL??? I could hardly believe that I wasn't living in a painting when I woke up this morning :D Finally regular Ohio weather :)
    Isaac's snowman is a crack up! Love it :)
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! :D



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