
Visitors and Football

Last week my sister Mary, her husband Cody, and her two kids, Sebastian and Bruno were unexpectedly able to come up from North Carolina for a visit.  They where here for *counting with fingers* six days.  It was a nice little visit.  Sebastian was able to help us milk each night, which he loved, and he also loved when Grandpa would give him a ride on the tractor!  Bruno... he just laughed at everything, but he particular loved it when you would make unattractive and ridiculous faces at him.  While they were here we were all able to go to my brother's state football game last Saturday.  It was a long trip to the game, so to occupy ourselves, Sebastian and I watched Cars on the way there.  We arrived to the stadium, ate cold meat sandwiches that we had packed, and then slowly bundled up.  It was nice that it was 40 degrees out, so we didn't need to bundle up too much.  We took a little "hike" to find our seats and waited until the game started.   Now, I'm not very good at explaining sporting events, so I'm just going to keep it short and sweet... we won!  It was an exciting game with the scores being close the whole time.  Each side of the stands were full of energy and excitement.  People yelled, clapped, and waved pom poms in the air to show support to their team.  After the game, we went down to the field and waited for Isaac to come out of the locker room.  We stood around for a while, talking about the game and taking a family picture.  After we left, we went out to eat for a late supper.  On the drive home, Sebastian and I watched Cars again... and both fell asleep.  It was twelve o'clock by the time we got home.  We were all tired and ready for a good night's sleep... 

 The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing.  On Monday morning we had to say goodbye to Mary, Cody, and the kids, and had to start back up with school and the usual.  On the bright side, we Christmas decorated yesterday!  Now we have twinkle lights and garlands in about every room!  And another exciting thing is that Christmas is in 19 days! Oh, I'm excited all right!

P.S. If you're curious, Isaac is  #40

Jordan (sister-in-law) and Bruno
Cody, Sebastian, and Isaac


  1. Bruno looks so cute and warm in his big little jacket :)
    -mal :)

  2. Cool pictures!!! That last picture is adorable. :)


  3. So cool being able to see the game captured in images that we could only imagine while listening to it by radio! Awesome job with the photos, Jo! It must've been hard with all that motion going on, taking any non-blurry photos. I always have a hard time with that :P


  4. When are you going to announce the winner for your giveaway? Super excited find out who it is that won!!


  5. Fun pictures! The little guys are so cute!! :)


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