

A few pins from Pinterest that have pinspired (pin-spired) me lately...

1. Thanking, my sister for revealing this recipe to me.
2. Loving, these blue matching quilts.
3. Admiring, this lovely picture of Julie Andrews.
4. Adoring, these bright spring colors.
5. Liking, top knots.
6. Wanting, to make extracts.

post idea via here

Leave a link to your pinterest, so I can check out what's been pinspiring you lately!


Penguin Classics

I've always thought that the look of a book is very important.  If it is going to be in your hands and sit on your bookshelf it might as well look pretty, right?  Right!  I love these clothbound hardcover Penguin Classics.  They are so beautiful and are really nice quality.  I have the Penguin Classic books, Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion and love them.  Each book has an unique patterned and colored cover.  The books above are just a few of them.  There are a lot over here.  Also, Anthropologie has some very pretty ones as well!  Check them out, they would make any book lover friend a wonderful birthday present!



D.C. trip

I'm home from my trip!  It was a lot of fun and was wonderful to be able to go on.  It was a busy trip filled with a lot of walking, but the back, shoulder, leg, feet pain outweighed all of the fun that I had.  

Thursday- I woke up early to take a shower and quickly checked that I had everything packed.  I went over to Noah and Jordan's and ate some yummy breakfast before we left.  We went to the school, loaded up, then got situated on the charter bus that we would be riding in for 10 hours.  We watched some movies, slept a little, looked out the windows, ate some snacks, and before we knew it we were there.  We then unloaded our bags and went to our rooms in the hostel.  Later, we walked around the busy city looking for a place to eat supper.  We ate at Panera and let me just say, I love that place.  I might have looked a little dreamy eyed while eating my chuck of baguette, but I couldn't help myself, it was just so good!  

Friday-  After breakfast we started to walk to the National Mall.  We then proceeded to the Capital building and toured the inside of it. The big statues scattered everywhere, the large paintings on the walls, all of it was so detailed and beautiful.  We then wondered to the Washington Monument, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial.  I think seeing the Lincoln Memorial was my favorite.  Later that night we all hung out and played some pool.

Saturday- We went to the White House and some museums.  This was the day that I was sore the most.  My whole body hurt...  After going through a little part of the White house, we ate at a food court, then walked to the National Archives.  After that we separated into groups and went to our museum of choice.  I ended up going with my brother, sister-in-law, and some others to the air and space museum. By the time that we got there I was ready to sit down.  Jordan and I were so tired that we just plopped down on a bench and looked at what we could see from the oh-so-comfy bench.  Then we headed to the Portrait Museum, which I found very interesting.  The paintings were so beautiful!  We were so tired and sore, that we took a cab (a first time for me) back to the hostel.  That night some played more pool while the rest watched.  

Sunday-  We took the metro to Mount Vernon.  At Mount Vernon we waited in line to see George Washington's house.  This was the day that it was 30 degrees out and very, very windy.  We were all so cold... brrr.  I loved George Washington's house.  It was so cute and small, and about every room had a bright shade of blue, which I liked.  Later in the afternoon we went to the Arlington National Cemetery.             

Monday- We left DC and headed home.  I was so tired when I got home because of the lack of sleep that I got on the trip, but the lack of sleep was worth it.  The trip was so fun!  

A pretty church that I saw on the way to DC
Noah and Jordan
Group picture

Morning stretches :)


A Nice Surprise

I thought this was just too cute to not pass along. :)


Over The Weekend Happenings and Looking Forward to DC

sweater- Forever 21,   jeans- Goodwill,   boots- gifted,   earrings- gifted,   headband- Target

The weekend is over and it was a good one.  On Friday night my brother, Isaac, had his last home game.  It was a game that determined if they won in their league or not, and they did... win in their league, that is.  It was fun.  Of course, the night that they took a team picture and cut the net, was the night that I forgot to take my camera.  I'm still a little mad at myself for that... oh, well.  My sister, Rebekah, came down for the weekend from Michigan and was able to come to the game.  Then on Saturday, my sister-in-law had one of her three baby showers.  We went and played games, ate food, and watched Jordan open her the baby's gifts.  Out of the bags came little hats with antlers, little blue onsies that were so small you didn't see how a baby could fit in them, and blankets so soft that you wanted to cuddle up with them.  Sunday was a quiet day and was spent everyone together before Rebekah had to leave later in the day.  Oh, and at 9 o'clock precisely, I ran up to my room to watch Downton Abbey, of course!

Now that the weekend is over, it is time to get into strict school mode for the next couple days.  I need to get a lot done because of the days that I'm going to miss because of my trip.  Yes, I leave this Thursday for DC!  I am super excited.  I have never been to DC... unless you count looking at it through an airport window.  It's going to be a busy trip jam packed with sightseeing.  It is also nice to be having my brother and sister-in-law going along.  Let's just hope Jordan doesn't go into labour in the White House...  That has been my little joke, but I don't think Jordan thinks it's very funny though...  Hopefully when I get back I'll have a lot of pictures to show and stories to tell. :)  Well, I need to do school.... yay... not...


Look A Like Outfit

How was your weekend?  Mine consisted of getting sick, and with getting sick came lots and lots of movies and lots and lots of orange eating.  Did you watch Downton Abbey last night?  It has become my mom and I's Sunday night tradition.  My dad joins in every once in a while, but some how always ends up asleep, I guess Downton Abbey doesn't excite him very much...  Today I've managed to be completely lazy and consume lots of 7up and orange juice, and 4 or five cookies (yeah, I eat too much).  I like to compare myself to Ethel on I Love Lucy...  She shares my love for food.

I found the image below a while back and fell in love with the outfit.  First off, any outfit with a denim shirt is just amazing, and pink capris? Come on, it can't get much better than that.  So anyways, I decided to make an inexpensive replica of the outfit to share with you.  I was pretty happy with how close I could get the outfits to "look a like".  I don't know about you, but that denim shirt is going on my birthday wish list. :)  Enjoy!

P.S. 9 days till I leave for DC!
P.P.S. More snow on the ground!
via here

Denim shirt/Tee-shirt/Capris/Sandals/Nail polish


Sharing Valentine's Day Cookie recipes

Everyone loves Valentines Day, and who doesn't love cookies?  Well, I've found some cookie recipes that are Valentine's Day themed and that sound wonderful.  Just look at these cookies, don't they look so tasty and especially pretty?  I think so...  I hope you take the time to check out these recipes and maybe try some.  They would also all be great as gifts for your loved ones this holiday season.

P.S. HERE are some other things you can make for Valentine's Day!