
Milkmaid Braids

My sister, Mary, a while back posted on my Facebook telling me that I just had to try this hairstyle... Milkmaid braids.  She sent me a link to the tutorial and it was so amazing and made the hairstyle look so simple that, I decided that I really did need to try it.  Well, I tried it, and loved it, and still love it.  This hairstyle is very simple and can easily be mastered with a little practice.  I highly recommend you try it out for yourself, and don't forget to tell me what you thought of it in the comments below!...  So, check out my milkmaid braids, then click HERE for the tutorial I used (the tutorial has tons of GIFs, which I kind of love).

photo credit- Charlotte


  1. You look so adorable in those braids, Jo! Glad the photo turned out ;)


  2. Loooove this so much! My hair is too short for this style, so I can't wait for it to get a bit longer so I can give it a shot!

  3. so pretty! wonderful photo too. xoxo

  4. oh my goodness. thank you for sharing!!
    you're so good at hair. like I tried this and I though right away "it doesn't look as cute on me as it does on Jo!" ;) :) YOU'RE SO PRETTY.

    1. haha, Thanks! Oh, I'm so glad you tried the hairstyle. I want to see a picture, because I'm sure it looks adorable on you. Seriously, where's the picture? ;)


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