
One foggy morning

dress- Thrifted,     belt- Forever21,     sandals- Thrifted,     earrings- Gifted

Last week, I think it was Thursday, I woke up, looked out my window and saw fog.  I immediately knew what I needed to do.  I quickly got dressed, put my hair up, grabbed my camera and tripod, and ran outside.  I was pretty excited to say the least.  It was so pretty that morning and the fog was like the icing on the cake.  I think I've decided that I need to take more photos in the morning; the lighting is just right and a nice change from the usual golden hour...

On another note: this dress!  Okay, so about a month ago my mom, sister, and I went to a thrift that was having a 50% off sale.  Clothes from thrift stores are already cheap, but then add 50% off on top of that- SCORE! When I came across this dress, I knew it was a keeper.  The color, the material, the buttons... pretty much everything about it I fell in love with...  I had been looking and wanting a more casual dress, so I was pretty thrilled when I found it, and I think I got this dress for about $4, double score!  Okay, I will stop now... about the dress at least...

On another note: I started back to school this week, *sarcastic voice* exciting right?  It actually hasn't been that bad, but I'm still adjusting back to school life.  Oh, and I'm defiantly not liking this whole "getting up early" thing.  

Happy weekend!  Yes, I'm happy about it. *smile*   


  1. Ohmygoodness! All of these are stunning, you're right, the morning light + fog, dang, it's perfect! Right this moment it's 7am and beautifully foggy where i live, and I'm quite tempted to do what you just did! Sadly I have class to get ready for. bleh. OH well, I loved all of these, the last is my favourite, and that dress is epic. ^_^

  2. YES!!!!!! FABULOUS! These photos are incredible... And you! Twice as fabulous!! Yesyesyesyesyes :D

    S'wonderful ;)


  3. Wow Jo! These photos are awesome! You did a fantastic job. I would never have guessed that you did it with just your tripod and self timer. The photos are just so magical, especially with the fog.

    The Middle Sister and Singer

  4. ohmygosh.. THAT DRESS. It's perfect, and for $4.. that's a huge steal.
    and the fog is just lovely.

  5. Beautiful photos! The one with the spider's web is amazing!

  6. THESE PICTURES ARE GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like seriously, I'm dying of jealousy over here that you get to live on a beautiful farm!!!

    And then I remind myself its a sin to covet. :)

    Your hair is so cute and that dress is suchhh a grrreat color on you!!!


  7. Wow, I like your dress. I think it would be nice to use it with my high heels.


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