
Creamy Vanilla Bean Coffee recipe

Wednesday of last week was the first day that it felt like Summer was leaving us and Fall was quickly approaching.  It made me happy, because I love Fall... everything about it, except school of course.   As I started to think of all things Fall related, I began dreaming of coffee, what else?  I got it in my head to use a vanilla bean that had been sitting in the pantry just waiting for a purpose to come along in my next coffee creation.  This was a first time for me using vanilla beans, and now I can honestly tell you that I'm in love with them....  The flavor is so much richer than the vanilla extract that we all use, and besides, vanilla beans are such a special and decedent treat.  Who wouldn't want coffee with fresh vanilla bean in it?    

Warm Vanilla Bean Coffee
4 cups coffee of your choice
1 1/2 cup cream
1/2 vanilla bean
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. all-spice
3 Tbsp. brown sugar

Prepare you coffee of choice and keep it warm.  Slit your half of a vanilla bean in half long ways and scrap out as many of the seeds as possible.  Put your cream in a saucepan and add your vanilla bean skin and seeds, nutmeg, all-spice, and brown sugar over the lowest heat.  Mix together and let steep for 5-8 minutes, don't let it boil.  Take off heat, take out vanilla bean skin, and whisk for 2 minutes.  Pour your coffee between two mugs then add the cream mixture.  Enjoy this simple little treat.  

My model/fellow coffee loving sister, Mary


  1. mmm, oh goodness, Jo. this looks dellllicious! coffee lover that i am, i'm sure i will have to try this sometime soon. ;)


  2. Sounds sooooooooo delicious! Will definitely make it! Thank you for sharing the recipe. x


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