

Right now, I look outside and see the grey sky where the occasional trickling raindrops are falling from.  I see trees that used to be filled with thick vibrant leaves that are now bare.  I see the ground that is covered with bushy green grass and leaves that are dried up and crunchy.  The shivering cool air is still... everything looks still outside.

The weather people say that it's going to snow/rain/be windy on Tuesday.  There is little change of it actually happening, but I hope and cross my fingers that it will snow.  Snow... :)   I got my free Shutterfly book, that I was given through buying my camera, today.  I like to look at it very often.  I was disappointed though, when we got our Forever 21 package (full of goodies) today, and the coat that I ordered wasn't in it.  My mom called, and the lady said that it was out of stock and that I won't be able to get it.  That was sad, because it was a super awesome coat.

My mom is making bouquets and such for a wedding this weekend (she has a florist business), so I was in charge of making supper tonight.  I made biscuits with sausage gravy.  Have you ever tried it?  If you haven't, you need to.  Well, it was simply amazing.

I had French and writing class today.  In French we made crepes, so yummy!  I had two... don't judge, I didn't have breakfast!  Then in writing we, duh, wrote.  We all (except one) wrote on our favorite season.  Fall was the top pick, no surprise since it's the awesomeist most awesome season ever!

Thanks to my 91 followers!  You are awesome!

I think I'm going to suck on this here sucker and watch a movie. :)  Now... what should I watch?


Lydia // senior pictures

This is my sister, and her name is Lydia.  She is the one that blasts music in her room daily.  She likes movies, a lot... I got her hocked on I Love Lucy. ;)  When she starts laughing, she can't stop.  She doesn't like to wear makeup unless one of her older sisters do it (not me).  She likes to model in front of the camera.  Her favorite color is blue.  She likes to write all day.  Every kind of food is her favorite.  She likes to hug people.  She is graduating next spring...  
It seems like everyone is graduating!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!  
P.S. It's 77 degrees out today!  It feels like we have skipped winter and are back to summer. :)


Apple pie recipe (not diet friendly)...

Apple pie... is something that everyone loves (if you don't, your not american ;)).  This pie is a classic.  I think the hard sugary crust and the sweet flavorful apple slices is what makes it so tasty!  Just look at it. *drooling*  I think I'm going to have to make this again soon, very soon...  I must admit though, I did made a mistake while making this pie, I forgot to add the flour.  My mom asked me and I was like, "uh, well,... I don't think I did"...  So, in trying to save it, I nervously cut a circle in the top crust, sprinkled some flour and mixed it all together, then tried to seal it all back together...  You can't tell, can you?

Apple pie recipe:              adapted from a Better Homes and Gardens cookbook

6 to 8 tart apples, pared, cored, and thinly sliced (6 cups)
3/4 to 1 cup sugar
2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
dash ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon orange zest
pastry for 2-crust 9-inch pic (preferably THIS dough)
2 tablespoons butter

If you are using THIS dough, divide the glob in half and roll each half out large enough to fit a pie pan.  Mix the apples with the sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon and orange zest until it is combines.  Line a 9-inch pie plate with the pastry.  The dough should hang over a bit on the sides.  If it hangs over more than an inch, then cut a little off,.. the dough tastes pretty good. ;) Fill with apple mixture; dot butter overtop.  Spread, with your hand, a little milk on the crust, so when you put the other layer on top, they will stick together.  Adjust top crust.  Roll the crust under and pinch for a design. Cut slits for escape of steam.  Spread some milk (for a pretty crust) and sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top.  Bake at 400 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.  Serve warm.


Isaac // Senior Pictures

Isaac is my brother, he is my older brother, he plays football and basketball, somehow he is always hungry even after a big meal, he loves to be outside, he plays a little piano, making stuff is his hobby, he's got a big sweet tooth that is out of control sometimes, more like all the time (he likes brownies with icing, with the ratio being 1/4 brownie 3/4 icing), he has this interesting smirk that I think looks evil sometimes, he likes shoes, he wants to be an engineer, and he's graduating from high school!

The reason I haven't posted these pictures earlier, is because I thought I would be taking more, but I think we are done... for now at least. ;)

This is his favorite...


I made coffee for the first time. (Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe)

Today, I made coffee for the first time. Some of you avid coffee drinker out there probably don't believe it, but it is true... I used to not like coffee, but I think I am growing to love it.  You should have heard me, I kept on asking my mom, "is this right?" "now what do I do"... I clearly had no experience...  I found a recipe on pinterest for Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, since I had heard a lot about how wonderful they are at Starbucks, I thought I would try it.  RANDOM FACT time: I have never EVER been to a Starbucks before... Close you mouth. I know, I know, awful right?

So, I made the latte... and it was pretty amazing.  It was super easy and was a wonderful treat to spice up a normal school day.  I highly recommend trying out the recipe.


Boyer Girls // Portraits

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to take these lovely ladies' yearly portraits.  It was so much fun and I'm really happy with the way the pictures turned out!  Below, are my favorites from the shoot.  I hope you like them! 

Have a awesome weekend!  I made cinnamon rolls today, um... they were amazing!  My brother, Isaac, seriously had six rolls... yes, I was counting... ;)