
Merry merry Christmas... GIVEAWAY!

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope your Thanksgiving break was wonderful.  For most people, they have probably been dreading this day because of starting back into the old school/work routine.  Well, I thought it would be nice to cheer you up a bit with a... giveaway?  Yes, a giveaway. :)  This cowl, I made during my Thanksgiving break.  I could not put it down... I worked on it every minute I could.  I hope you like it!

this giveaway will be open until DECEMBER 4th and is ONLY open to people that live in the USA.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


DIY Gift Guide for 2012 Christmas

How was your Thanksgiving?  Our Thanksgiving was amazing and filled with food... lots and lots of food!  We played "football" with my dad's side of the family, which was fun and also made me realize how out of shape I am... yeah, I need to work on that.  Then on Wednesday we fixed a big meal for my dad's work.  THEN... last night we ate with my mom's side of the family for supper.  All of the food everywhere was amazing.

Are any of you going black Friday shopping.  I'm not much of a black Friday shopper, or any kind of shopper.  I'm content sitting here, crocheting, while Mom and Rebekah (oldest sister) hit the mall.  For some reason shopping has never appealed to me for some reason.


I thought it would be fun to put together a list of DIYs that would be perfect for Christmas gifts, so here it goes.
Christmas is the time for giving gifts, right?  And you don't want to break your penny bank?   Homemade gifts, I think, are better than bought-at-a-store gifts.  They tell the person that you actually took time to make them something special. Besides, who wouldn't like an excuse to sit down and get crafty?   

I hope you enjoy scrolling through this post, and find some good DIYs to try!

P.S. Get creative this year with wrapping your gifts.  Here, Martha Stewart has some cute Packaging ideas.

P.P.S.  I have been tempted all week to post this before Thanksgiving, but have managed to keep it hidden in my drafts until the day after.   It was hard...


Wintery // What I Wore

 sweater- hand-me-down but originally from American Eagle,   cami- Kohl's,  jeans- Goodwill,  boots- hand-me-down,  earrings- were my grandma's.

What do you think of my super cool snowman earrings?

Yellow! (my version of "hello")  I know it has been so long since I've done an outfit post, but every time I would dress up I would also be running super late... so I didn't have time.  Most of you know that I went to visit my sister a couple of weeks ago, well, she loaded me up with some  new clothes!  My sweater and boots are both from her. 

 People, it is co-o-o-ld outside.  Practically all of my family and I went to my brother's football game last night.  I thought I was prepared for the stinging cold weather, but I wasn't... Even with leggings under my jeans, three shirts, a super cozy coat, a hat borrowed from my brother (Isaac), and gloves... I was still cold! So anyway, Isaac's football team is in the final four in state!  There is a very good chance that they could win state, which would just be kinda cool... just kinda.   My oldest sister came home in time for the game last night and will be home for the next week.  

Tomorrow marks the beginning of many Thanksgiving feasts.  Yes to my mom's famous sweet potato casserole, turkey, and lots of rolls... Mmmm!  I hope you all have a simply lovely and yummy Thanksgiving!   


Oatmeal cake recipe. The perfect fall dessert

I'll just come right out and say it, you must make this cake.  First off, it is really easy to make, second, it makes your belly happy, third, it is the perfect fall dessert.  This cake is filled with the flavors of brown sugar and vanilla, is melt-in-your-mouth moist, and is topped off with a crunchy and sweet glaze.  I hope you take the time to make this cake, you won't regret it!

P.S. I went to Panera for the first time in five year today, with my sister, brother, and sister-in-law.  Their bread is amazing= I want to work there...

Oatmeal Cake Recipe

1 cup oats 
1 1/2 cup hot water

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 stick (half cup) butter, melted
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon

1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt

Scroll farther down for the glaze recipe

Pour the oats in the hot water, set aside.

Preheat your oven on 350 degrees F.  Grease and flour a 9x13 pan, set aside.

In a mixer bowl, combine the brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, butter, vanilla, and cinnamon, then add the water/oats mixture.  Stir in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Don't over mix the batter or the cake will be rubbery.  

Pour the batter in the 9x13 pan, and put it in the preheated oven.  Bake the cake for 35 minutes.

While the cake is baking, make your glaze.

1/3 cup butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts

In a small saucepan, melt your butter.  Then add to the melted butter the brown sugar, milk, flour, vanilla, and chopped walnuts.

Immediately after the cake comes out of the oven, spread the glaze on top.  
Turn your broiler on high and put the cake in the oven, 5 inches from the boiler.  Let it broil for about 3 minutes.  It should bubble a lot and gradually turn golden brown.  Watch the cake constantly, to make sure the glaze doesn't burn.  
Let the cake cool a little, then serve.  Prepare for yumminess!


A little trip

This past week, my mom and I went to NC to see my sister and her family.  We were down there for about five days.  The whole trip was so fun.  Let's see, I made Pumpkin muffins, a butterscotch cinnamon cake thing (that will be my next post hopefully!), and a couple pumpkin spice lattes.  Yes, it was the kind of trip where you didn't care what you ate or how much you ate.   I had fun watching Wallace and Grommet multiple times with Sebastian, making Bruno constantly smile, baking, finally buying a winter coat, getting lots more hand-me-downs from Mary, and not having to do much school.  Not having to do school is always a bonus!   

We got home last night.  We ate at Noah and Jordan's for awesome Mexican food, then I had to finish writing papers for today's class. :)  
Yes, yes I know I put him in the chair the wrong way...