
Random Pics

Lucy wanted to play with my camera string...

I made my brother a ice cream cake for his birthday.  It was so good!

Yesterday, it was 60, the sun was shining, and it felt amazing!  So of course I had to go your side and take pictures. :)  Hope you like!


At the past Oscars

Audrey Hepburn.  Isn't her dress beautiful?



Photo Friday...


P.S.  Don't forget to vote on my poll that is on my sidebar. :)


The Anne Books And Movies

Have you ever read the 'Anne of Green Gable series'?  It is the story of Anne Shirley, a young orphan girl who goes from being unloved to having all the love in the world when she is adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthburt.  Lucy Maud Montgomery writes this famous story that takes place on Prince Edward Island in the 1800's. Every book is great, but my two favorites are 'Anne of The Island' and 'Anne's House of Dreams'.  Prepare to fall in love with this classic story.

The 'Anne of Green Gables' series has been made into wonderful movies.  Megan Follows portrays the part of Anne and Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe.  The first movie (Anne of Green Gables) is very similar to the first book (Anne of Green Gables), but the rest of the movies are not as similar to the rest of the books. I was disappointed that the later movies didn't follow the story-line that much, but they are still great movies that you should watch.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and will (if you already haven't) read and watch this wonderful story.

Here are some pictures that I love from the movies.



Photo Friday...

This experience looks so traumatic.  Poor little guy...
Okay, I think this pictures is a little sad and I don't want you going into your weekend feeling sad so I'll add another picture that is happy! :)  okay?

Yes, this is me when I was a baby stuffing my face with something chocolaty...  My mom is holding me and my brother is the one next to me with his eye's closed.  Oh my...



Display your jewelry

I got these old vintage Fenton glass pieces from my grandma's.  You should be able to find some at yards sales or auctions if you don't have any.  This is a great way to use all of your beautiful old vintage pieces for displaying your jewelry! :)
Happy Thursday! :)


Valentine's Day...

What do you have planed for this Valentine's Day?  I don't think we are doing much of anything.  We will probably just eat too much candy...  Have a lovely day! :)

Love Jo

Oh, and Lucy wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day too!


Red Pt. 1/Clothing and Accessory. Wear some red on Valentine's Day!

Bring some red into your Valentine's Day outfit...


Random Pics

Watching The Dick Van Dick Show.  It is so great!


One of our cow's.  Her name is Pumpkin. :)



It was in the 60's the day I took that picture.  

Happy Monday!