Flying was so much fun on my trip to NC!

Taking a walk
He just
had to roll his car on the fence the whole way...
Playing at the park...
As you can probably tell, towards the end of the little trip Sebastian (Seb) was getting tired...
One afternoon we went to the Duke Gardens. It was so pretty!
While we were there Sebastian learned how to say fish, although it sounded more like "ish".
Another day Seb got his haircut. He didn't like it, but it helped when he was offered pretzels and a movie.
Flying home...
The view from the airport... We had to stop in DC for 3 hours, but it was longer since our flight kept getting delayed. It was a little boring. It got better when my mom pulled out some Nerd Bumpy Jelly Beans. BTW, they are the BEST jelly beans ever!
Finally flying again...
My dad, Isaac, and Lydia picked us up from the Columbus airport and we headed for Holmes County for a visit. We usually go up there at least once a year.
How was your week? I hope yours was as good as mine. :) Have a good Easter! We are going to start our Easter extravaganza soon! I'll tell you what it is later... :)
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